Friday, January 14, 2011

Ring, Ring

All above rings are from F21

Look at all those rings...don't you love 'em?
A ring can be a nice addition to any outfit. I love these in-expensive big rings because they're a statement piece and if you're going to go to the trouble of accessorizing an outfit why not make it fun, right? Do any of you have a favorite ring, or just a fun ring? If so, e-mail me a picture

P.S. Dear Andy/sweetcakes/honey,

Valentines Day is coming up...hint, hint;)


aime-roo crew said...

Andy, I agree with Living Foxy, you should give her 567483 of those rings ;)

Very very nice! I love your 25 oufits idea! if you think about it, its a great exercise to combine and know your clothes better. Love the blog! New follower. Keep it up!