Sunday, February 13, 2011

7 Days of Valentine - Day 6

You may remember from a couple of previous Foxy posts that I have historically been horrible at Valentine's Day. More specifically, last year, we were down in Mexico for V-Day and all I got for Audrey were a pair of Tootsie-Roll pajama bottoms and some Betty Boop socks that I picked up at Wal-Mart of all places. The male species took hit that day.

So, with a little redemption in mind, I gave her some Pink pajama bottoms and one of Pink's super comfy tops.  She loves comfy pajamas and I love whatever she loves.

Let me expand on that a bit and speak for guys in general about girls in general. We, guys, love all of the girly and feminine things about you.  We may pretend not to notice - or maybe even make fun of - the way you put on your make-up, your obsession with clothes, blogs and reality TV but, inside, we love it.  It's what makes you, well, you.  It's how we know we're not married to another dude.

By the time you read this, it's probably appropriate to say Happy Valentine's Day. I love you Audrey.


Jake, Camille, Kennedy & Jacob said...

Perfect! Thinking I need some comfy clothes right about now! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Andy, you have been what we women would call "adorable" about all the valentine giving. I'm so grateful that you are my sweet girl's hubby. Great Job!